Sorry, no tantrum????? No one attacked you, and you were preaching American law to me. I dont know American law, but know basics of Constitution when I studied comparitive world politics at University (1995). I am not a Witness. I was a JW and was disfellowshipped.
And, martial law is coming to America....they are going to usher in a government like this. We see this happening as we speak. In Russia it s no fun thing and Alex Jones has preached for a long time about it. I had contact with Alex when I lived in the far east.
I am not a Witness. I have no interest in them or what they preach and teach. Why would I preach what they teach and burble on about what the Witnesses do, on here, on a forum that is full of exjws? Many on here have been hurt deeply by that mob, so it would serve me no purpose to preach their message. I too have suffered at the hands of this cult. I offer people here my support in condemnation of this cult, and condemn no one here that has been a part of it, but praise those who were, and still stand tall to tell the tale.
BOTR, I dont know you, and have not attacked you, and have no intentions to either, why attack someone I dont know? And how do you think I am a JW? I have been out of the Watchtower since 4th November 2004. If I remember correctly, that day in November so long ago was a Friday?